Oculus Rift Pre-order Coming Soon Next Year | 2016 |

The Long wait is over and a little wait is left for the virtual reality fans. Oculus Rift is soon going to launch the pre-orders for its virtual reality camera in the new year 2016 in its first quarter. Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus, made this announcement over twitter very recently.

@PalmerLuckey Preorders are coming soon after new year. Enjoy a stress-free holiday, we won’t launch preorders without warning!
Further in his another tweet, Luckey shared,
“Thrilled to share some news: manufacturing continues to go well, and we are still on target for an awesome Rift launch in Q1.”
However, fingers are still crossed over the pricing of this VR device. Though Luckey has only hinted about the pricing in one of his tweets but the success of Oculus Rift VR headset will largely depend on the price offered by the company. However, In a review by TIME last month, they revealed that the upcoming gear would not cost much and also boost the gaming experience of the users because of fast applications and easy setup. But on the downside, the upcoming VR headset will only be compatible with upcoming Samsung phones which poses restriction in owning and using the device.

A lot of buzz have already been created around the VR market after a number of showcases, trailers, presentations and teasers of these new devices. It has further added up the desperation among the consumers who have been waiting to own a device like this.

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